Animal lover

Created by Jane 3 years ago
Andrew was a dog person, as soon as we got married he started talking me in to getting a dog. He finally convinced me to go and look at some dogs that needed rehoming ,after we moved into nurses accomodation. When we got there they showed us the golden cocker spaniel puppies they had there were two golden bundles of fur, huge ears and paws. We could not resist and feeling guilty took one home, leaving one behind.  Andrew loved Sam but soon started on about getting another dog to keep Sam company while we were working, he wanted a Jack Russell so we soon added Jack to our family. Due to Andrews strict training they were lovely dogs, he would put their food on the floor but they could not touch it until they were told they could, one day as he put their food down the door bell rang and he answered it without telling the dogs they could eat, he forgot about it and we sat down together after about 20 minutes we noticed the dogs were absent so we went looking for them and they were in the kitchen looking at their food drooling but they had not touched it. One day Jack disappeared from the outdoor area we had blocked of for them, after a while we noticed him in a trolley being pushed by a linen lady, she tool him with her as she did her rounds of the wards so the old people could  make a fuss of him he loved it.